
Hidden Poisons in Food: Aflatoxins (Mycotoxins) Fungal Poisons



You must have heard about aflatoxin micro mold or mold etc. or you must have seen it on old bread, or roti and rotten fruits and vegetables. Those toxic elements produced by these ground-based microscopic fungi (fungs, mold) are called aflatoxins, which can affect the structure of cancer and food poisoning, liver and jeans. Such elements are found in all the food items such as milk, grains, pulses, oilseeds, on all of them molds and the fungal toxin aflatoxin produced by them are found in small and limited quantities.

Generally the human and animal body tolerates them and the immune system is developed against them, but due to the use of modern and indiscriminate chemicals, these fungi and their aflatoxins have also changed and become fatal as soon as it exceeds a limited limit for the body. Let’s start making an impact. Certain fungi are found only in certain places. Food contaminated with aflatoxin can be identified by looking or smelling it, but if it contains artificial flavor, it can deceive both your nose and eyes. Process food companies take great care that aflatoxin does not come, but humans are prone to mistakes. is a mannequin
Separating aflatoxin from food is extremely difficult and currently very expensive and almost impossible. This can be avoided.

The science of aflatoxin is very complex. There are thousands of different types of fungi, some used in antibiotics, some used in agriculture. Penicillin, the first antibiotic of modern medical science, was also developed in 1923 from a species of Penicillium mold. Even today antibiotics like penicillin, cephalosporin, erythromycin, and tetracycline are synthesized from these microscopic fungi.
Aflatoxin can also be fatal. In 2003, 120 people died in Kenya, and in 2021, more than 70 pet dogs died in America. Pet food was contaminated with aflatoxin. Often people do not care about the food of animals and due to cheapness, it becomes dangerous not only for their health but also for our health. Aflatoxin is found in milk, eggs, meat etc. more than the standard obtained from animals affected by Aflatoxin.

FSSAI has given guidelines from time to time to both the consumer and the manufacturer for Aflatoxin.
In the Food Safety Standard Regulation 2011, the limit of the amount of aflatoxin in different food items has been fixed, there is a provision to destroy that food item if it is found in excess. Provision has also been made for fine or punishment or both for those selling food items in excess of the limited amount of aflatoxin.

Due to the arbitrariness of the mafia and big companies in the food chain, anyone can become a victim of these toxins. That’s why caution is worthwhile. Processed food, specially packed in tetra aluminum packing, beverage, which cannot be seen, should be used with caution. Avoid buying leaked or open packing items and if you feel even a slight difference in the taste and smell of packed food, do not use it.

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