illusion of vitamins

Vitamins are a very important group of elements for our body, whose deficiency causes many diseases, so far this has been taught.

excess vitamins can also cause many disorders in the body. In today’s era where everyone wants to adopt shortcuts or easy methods to stay healthy. Supplements and vitamins are being eaten like peanuts due to the incomplete knowledge of the so-called dieticians and gym operators. Even among doctors, some doctors prescribe vitamin supplements and multivitamins for their own benefit.
Which does not have any benefit or harm to the patient, but due to the excess of vitamins for a long time, there are definitely side effects. Which is called vitamin toxicity in the language of science and hypervitaminosis in medical language. But it is hardly mentioned in the medical discussions of the media. The simple reason for which is the growing market of vitamins and supplements. In marketism where everyone just wants to sell. And wants to inspire to sell. Because of which new experiments and brokers are established in the market. Recently, due to Corona, Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol) is 60 thousand IU in the market. The demand increased. While the WHO in its guidelines did not consider its usefulness to be effective in any way for the treatment of corona, since then Vitamin D has been essentially added to the advice of certain continuous physicians.
Even some people are using it without medical advice. Whereas due to excess of Vitamin D, many disorders come. There are two types of vitamins, water soluble and fat soluble. There are 13 vitamins and their active or inactive ingredients in humans in known medical science so far. Out of which four are fat soluble, that is, it is necessary to have a fat medium to dissolve these vitamins. Vitamin vit.A (A) D (D ). E (E) K (K) is soluble in all four fats. And the remaining eight Vitamin B and Vitamin C are water soluble. The water-soluble vitamins in our body are thrown out of the body when they are in excess, the body does not store them. Because of which the color of urine becomes dark and smelly after eating vitamin B complex which is water soluble.
On the contrary, fat soluble vitamins are absorbed by the intestine of the body and enter the blood and fat of the body. Can stay for a long time and can stay in the body even more than necessary. This is called vitamin excess or vitamin poisoning. Contrary to the way the knowledge of vitamin deficiency has been dissolved in our education system, vitamin excess and vitamin poisoning are not taught at all. By telling the number and benefits of vitamins for the specialty of their product, they have filled our consciousness with a fascination for vitamins. Many people do not know that excess vitamins are as dangerous as deficiency of vitamins. But this knowledge is being carried till today.
Whereas today the circumstances have changed a lot. Vitamin overdose or poisoning in today’s world of globalization is as natural as getting cancer. Excess of many vitamins can also cause cancer. Today vitamins are widely present not only for the human body but also in the form of preservatives in processed food. Marketing has also created confusion about vitamins and vitamin deficiencies in the basis of their advertisements. Because paucity or lack increases the opportunities for fulfillment.
Increases opportunities for profit and excess and sufficiency nullify opportunities. Vitamin deficiency and excess are taught in detail only in medical education. Antivitamin drugs are also used to reduce the risk of vitamin toxicity or overdose. Foodmen’s effort is to give brief and complete information about vitamins and vitamin toxins and antivitamins, provitamins, pseudo vitamins (fake) in easy language in this column.
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