Adulteration in the name of ensuring food safety and safe food

Of what use is such high education and money, skills that cannot keep you healthy?

Kishor Mishra (Ayurvedic Doctor) Guest Editor
India is at the forefront of the list of those countries. Where everything is getting adulterated. Where there is adulteration in adulteration, there is only adulteration. Adulterated cement, adulterated gold-silver, adulterated food, adulterated milk, adulterated medicines, adulterated thoughts, adulterated system, adulterated constitution, mixed government. Who is this who has introduced adulteration so deeply into our lives and industry!
Akbar was illiterate but the learned people of the state also used to obey him by bowing their heads before him. We have to ask ourselves what is the point of being educated, thinker and scientist in our life? Many of our ministers are uneducated but big scientists and highly educated bureaucrats go around them and are bound to do what the minister wants and decides. People shamelessly call it the beauty of pre-democracy, but due to the system that makes Education a slave and a slave, human civilization repeatedly expresses its concern over the ineffectiveness of education and asks what is the use of the money spent in higher education?
Who should have the authority to make decisions of social and scientific importance? Governments have created boards or departments for cleanliness in every department and also appointed related scientists there. Even then the final decision is taken by the departmental minister whose level of education is either zero or not that much according to the department. But the final decision has been taken by the minister and the government only. This is what has happened in the history of democracy of this country so far.
Who injects chemical medicines in vegetables and fruits? Big scientists are not able to do what they want to do but do what the non-scientific people around them say and do. The hygiene professor loses all his knowledge of hygiene when he has to drink the same milk mixed with impure pond water by the milkman and eat sweets that the sweetman keeps and sells in an unhygienic manner. All the education of a dietician goes to waste when he has to accept the same food in a marriage ceremony which is not healthy for anyone but harmful. Moreover, scholars have to live and live in their own house in the same way as their wife thinks and arranges. In this journey of knowledge and ignorance, we have often seen knowledge being defeated. Light has to disappear, darkness was there even before the light appeared, and will remain even after the light has disappeared. We are bound to see many unscientific, illogical and inauspicious incidents happening in our environment and involve ourselves in the same. Bookish knowledge, research work, scholarship, scientificity nothing is proving fruitful. We are all bound to live in the same toxic environment, what is the justification of our education? Think again.
Where are we standing even after such a high education? It is possible that you go to a private hospital. You also take expensive treatment. But despite having so much money and knowledge, you still get diseases. And medicines also have to be taken. Now whether it is official or branded.