Drinking from a can is safe or unsafe ?

Foodmen’s research article.
Beverages in the market come in many types of packaging. Can be seen in packing like pouches, plastic bottles, glass bottles, tetra pack, and aluminum. Most of the beverages are used only after coming out of the packing. Except small packing of glass plastic bottles and can packing which we drink directly by applying it to the mouth.
The most common is the aluminum cold drink and beer can, which is widely preferred for its convenience and portability. Although taking a sip straight from the can may seem harmless, a greater concern is the potential contamination of cold drinks with harmful pathogens and contaminants from various sources on the top of the can. In this article, we’ll discuss the reasons why drinking straight from a cold drink or beer can can be dangerous to your health and suggest safer alternatives to ensure a safer drinking experience.
Cold drink cans are subjected to various environments during their production, transportation and storage. During these steps, cans may be exposed to contaminants such as dust, dirt, and potentially harmful microorganisms. In addition, they may come into contact with unhygienic surfaces in shops, homes or bars, further increasing the risk of contamination. Drinking directly from a can means that your lips and mouth are in direct contact with the top of the can, potentially exposing you to these contaminants.
Many people are involved in the process of handling cold drink cans, from manufacturers to distributors and retailers. Although hygiene protocols are generally in place, there remains a risk of infection through human contact. Everyone involved in the supply chain may not have clean hands, which can transfer harmful bacteria and viruses to cold drink cans and beer cans. As a result, putting your lips on the opening of the can without washing them can increase the chance of infection.
Beer cans can become a breeding ground for insects during transport, storage or even at home. Cockroaches, flies and other pests can easily crawl over the can and leave behind fecal matter and bacteria. Drinking straight from a can without inspecting it first can expose you to these nasty contaminants, which can cause gastrointestinal problems and other health issues.
Pouring a cold drink into a clean glass or cup greatly reduces the risk of contamination. Or put a straw in the can and drink it. A hole is made in the opener of every can to place a straw, which after opening can be rotated and drunk by putting a straw in the opening of the can.
Before drinking from a cold drink can, check the top for any visible signs of contamination, such as dirt or insects. Wipe the top with a clean cloth or tissue to remove any possible impurities.
Beer bottles are usually sealed with a lid, which provides better protection against contaminants. However, if you prefer to drink directly from the container then washing the top or using a glass is also necessary.
Cold drink manufacturers encourage youth to drink from a can by showing them drinking directly from the can in the advertisement of cold drink cans. In such a situation, the youth and children of your family must be informed about the harm of drinking directly from the can.