Do Hindus have no right to packaged food according to their faith?

Why is packaged food not according to Hindu faith?
Do Hindus not have the right to get packaged food as per their faith in India?
India is a country of faiths. And along with sovereignty, there is equal citizenship and secular nation.
For food safety in India, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India regulates the food and process food of Indians keeping in mind the food parameters, food type and public interest. But are the FSSAI rules in accordance with the majority population of India or the faith of Hindus?
It cannot be denied that most of the rules of FSSAI are inspired or copied from foreign countries. Which was made and implemented in a hurry.
In which most of the rules are the same, only the provisions of punishment have been modified according to laxity and defense like other rules of India. The law is inspired by foreign laws but from the implementation of these rules to the provisions of punishment itself, you have to follow the Indian law. Will be able to see a glimpse.
In the country, you will see Halal or Kosher certified on the packing or labeling of most of the processed foods made according to foreign traditions and culture. But you will not see any certification as per Hindu traditions.
It is not that efforts were not made to do so. Many times, social and religious institutions and a certain section of the media have demanded certification of food as per Hindu traditions.
But this was not possible nor is it possible in the near future. The main reason for which is the beliefs and traditions of Hindus towards food. Most of the food of Hindus is vegetarian. And FSSAI fulfills its responsibilities by putting green dots for vegetarianism.
Recently, a woman lawyer had filed a petition regarding the presence of jellyfish components in the toothpaste of Ramdev Baba’s company Patanjali. Not only Patanjali but products like Colgate have always fooled Hindu consumers with Green Dot. Whereas for many years, calcium carbonate made from bones has been added to toothpaste without informing consumers.
Politics is done in the name of faith. According to beliefs, food security is not only an issue
According to FSSAI itself and if we look at the packaging as per Hindu faith, in many green dots products, many such substances are used in the name of food ingredients which are directly or indirectly related to meat and fat. And this is the only reason whenever the demand for certification of food as per Hindu faith has arisen.
By politicizing such demands, they are administratively eliminated. Today, most of the processed food producers in the country come from a particular faith group. He becomes religious in his own food but he is also not in favor of any Indian faith or certification in his products.
Foodmen also demand that FSSAI should make arrangements for food certification keeping in mind Indian beliefs and religiosity, especially Hindu beliefs.
When the Supreme Court can give many important decisions in the name of faith, then there should be freedom of food in the name of faith and certification of processed food as per faith. And for this, people who believe in Hindu beliefs will have to unite.
Today, social media and mainstream media are busy in trumpeting the dangers of Hindu religion in the country. It is through these mediums that advertisements for packaged food are broadcasted.
Those who do the work of destroying both faith and belief very secretly. And betray Hindu beliefs. Religion is never in danger. If there is anyone in danger then that Hindu faith which is being broken every day by mixing food ingredients in package food.
Why is packaged food not according to Hindu faith?
India is a country where Hindu population is in majority. Only the English language and E-code language are written on all types of packaged food. Should it not be in Hindi and local Kshatriya language?
This work has not been done till now because this issue is not there in the public, nor has it been made an issue by the media.
Foodman with its efforts has been trying to bring these food issues at par with the public.