The Science of Likes and Dislikes in Food.

Understand your food and drink likes and dislikes.
Understand children’s dislikes seriously.

Our likes and dislikes are also beyond the understanding of science. Science has tried. But every study and result collapses due to one or the other exception. Our choices are determined by our DNA, our ancestry, religion and family traditions.
But still there are many other reasons which affect our likes and dislikes in food. Most of the dislike can be due to the above written reasons, but there can be some physical reasons for dislike as well. Does not like, due to which the enzyme responsible for digesting milk is not present in the body.
According to a report, after 12 years, the production of lactose stops in the body of many humans. (Remember, this is also only a study report And you will find many exceptions to this around you) Similarly, you will also find people who dislike tomatoes, who have problems with tomato’s lycopene.
But they eat processed tomato sauce comfortably. This is not an excuse. Processed sauces reduce the lycopene of tomatoes due to other synthetic flavors and chemicals other than tomatoes.
Due to which even a person who dislikes tomatoes can eat tomato sauce. Dislike in food, due to difficulty in digesting that particular food or due to adverse effects in the body, the body establishes past experiences in our mindset in an attempt to reject it.
Due to which that particular food cannot be eaten in future. The same taste also gets disliked due to the experiences of the tongue.
By understanding your dislike, you can understand your body. For this, by using the systems of Ayurveda and modern medical systems, you can understand by yourself the condition of your body and the diseases caused or occurring by it. Food aversion is that natural process of your body by which the body has to protect itself from the adverse effects of any food item.
That’s why never eat what you don’t like for any pressure or show off etc. Dislike or disinterest in food can have a physical or natural cause. Your dislike is as much a physical cause as the mind is responsible for it.
Many times, after eating distasteful food, indigestion and stomach and digestive problems may occur. Dislike is also a type of allergy, as in allergy, allergy occurs as soon as we come in contact with those elements which cause allergy.
The body’s immune system resists forcefully. Similarly, disliked food items can also cause problems in the body’s immune system and digestion of food. Many times, due to artificial flavors and tastes in ultra processed foods, foods of your dislike also reach your body.
Due to which indigestion and other problems arise. For this, the body starts making immunity even stronger. Due to which the risk of developing other allergies increases, and with repeated attempts, permanent allergies start occurring.
The main reason for dislike in children is the introduction of ultra processed food products by parents in their childhood. And ultra processed products can be given to the child in the initial months itself.
Today, ready-made baby food has become a huge market worldwide. Recent recalls of spoiled baby food led to the largest baby food shortage in history in the US, which is still ongoing. Readymade baby food contains many such ingredients.
Because of whose trinity the ordinary taste does not taste good later. You can also understand that in comparison to the music that comes out due to today’s musical instruments and technology, the music of a single instrument or two or three instruments without any special technology is ordinary.
If we play it in this form to today’s music listener, he will definitely find it dull and uninteresting. On one hand, parents complain that children leave vegetables and other healthy things and are more inclined towards spicy tastes.
On the other hand, due to the appearance of the world, the parents start giving ultra processed baby food in the nutrition of the children in the initial months itself. Due to which the babies get attracted towards synthetic taste.
Due to which he gets away from simple healthy food. And one has to suffer the consequences of this by suffering from lifestyle diseases at an early age. Try to understand the taste preference. Jaggery, sugar and chocolate are all sweet foods.
But chocolate will be liked the most because along with the chocolate flavor, chocolate has many other flavors and tastes. Which maintains attraction and craving for taste. By recognizing your self-generated dislikes and natural dislikes, you can avoid many diseases that may occur in the future. Your natural dislikes are determined by your body. So listen to your body and keep your body healthy.