No one is deprived of non-nutrition and malnutrition

Rich and poor are suffering due to their own reasons
Dr. Kaushal Kishor Mishra (Former Ayurvedic Physician) Guest Editor
Generally doctors like common people also assume that nutrition related diseases are limited to poor children only. While it is also seen in the rich and the elderly. Don’t know how many years we have been working on malnutrition.
But even today the results are not satisfactory. I think we are not at all serious and scientific on this subject. Malnutrition is a significant part of it. Eating disorders in which the role of regional or environmental factors is 30-50% while the role of hereditary and genetic factors is 50-70%. We don’t even discuss it. We don’t even discuss hidden hunger, we don’t even discuss metabolic disorders. Whatever we do is just a ritual.
Two out of every three deaths among children are due to malnutrition. This is an alarming situation which questions our commitment to health services as well as our social responsibilities. Nutrition is not necessarily a problem of the poor only, the rich are also victims of this problem, the difference is that the poor are malnourished while the rich are malnourished. The difference between non nutrition and malnutrition has to be understood.
Non nutrition is lack of nutrition whereas malnutrition is the result of mismanagement of food. The poor do not get proper food, so they remain non nourished, the rich keep making their stomachs godown with inedible and inedible substances, so they are malnourished. In fact, this is a matter related to poverty. The poor have economic poverty and the rich have both malnutrition and ideological poverty.