Mahua – The Superfood of Indian Food Heritage

Would have been forgotten in India – Mahua
Nisha Niranjan (Madhya Pradesh) Gwalior
Mahua is a super food associated with Indian culture. Whose root to bark, fruit, flower and leaves can all be eaten as food or medicine.
In ancient India, it has even been called the food of the drought period (Akal). In many tribal traditions, Mahua, popular with its different names, is considered so sacred that its worship or its different parts are included in the worship. You can use different parts of Mahua for main or alternative treatment in any disease. For this the advice of experts is necessary.
Mahua trees are easily found in tropical areas. Mahua is found in tropical areas all over the world. Its botanical name (Madhuca Longifolia) is called Honey Tree and Butter Tree in English.
Mahua flowers are used to make wine. In some areas, wine made purely from Mahua flowers is also consumed for its health benefits.
Mahuva is very useful for Indian citizens. Now some Ayurvedic manufacturers are trying to make a place in the mainstream by making many medicines made from Mahua. Soaps and cosmetic products are also made from Mahua’s edible oil and butter etc.
Many types of food items are made from Mahua flowers in different ways at different places. Mahua flowers are rich in iron. Which is one of the very essential elements for women.
Mahuva is no less than a superfood in the Indian ancient food heritage. But due to being associated with tribals and tribes,
Mahua does not get that place in India which is given to Olive. Even today you will not find products related to Mahua in mainstream markets. Some Indian manufacturers are trying to create and mainstream Mahua products. So there should be no hesitation in trying the products made from mahua once.
Mahuva is not just a traditional food but a wonderful example of Indian culinary art and culinary science. When the western civilization and people knew about only a few foods. Even at that time Indian cooking was so advanced. That she knew how to use food items and ingredients in every way, Indian civilization had discovered not only food ingredients but also medicinal properties.
One of the pride of this country is that by identifying the food elements and ingredients and medicinal properties in the Indian civilization, Ayurveda and many other medical texts have been created on their basis. Indian’s modern civilization may be influenced by western civilization. But finally an Indian can be seen coming towards Indian spirituality and food and medicine. In such a situation, it is prudent to return to our traditional environment before the time passes.
Today Mahuva is finding its identity in India itself. As told that some people are trying to sell the products made from Mahuva especially by making products of medicinal properties. In such a situation, we should rely on our heritage and traditions.
Already we have been suffering from life-long diseases by going away from our traditional food habits. Now we have to think for our children whether to live a life full of modernity and western glare and diseases and medicines or live a life free from our traditional diseases?