Gym’s health supplements

youth go towards food supplements and wrong methods.
Can cause harm instead of being beneficial for health
Gym’s health supplements-Going to the gym for health and fitness has become a fashion now. Bodybuilding by going to the gym has become the dream of every youth today. However, it is also true that most of them just keep on thinking. Or remain confined to a few months or days only. While some hardworking youths go to the gym continuously and on a daily basis. But in a hurry to make a body, youth go towards food supplements and wrong methods. Or are tempted.
Working out in the gym and using food supplements have become common. Health supplements are being jammed and used for bodybuilding or weight loss in the gym. In such a situation, both vigilance and awareness about the risks associated with health supplements and fake health supplements cannot reduce any risk. Today, the topic of deaths in gyms has become a matter of serious discussion. But seriously no one bothers. Nor those who exercise by going to the gym. Neither gym trainers nor parents who ignore their children’s interest in going to the gym and insistence on taking food supplements. Over the years, there have been reports of deaths of many celebrities and ordinary people, including those who used to work out regularly in the gym.
This does not mean that gym workouts lead to death, but it is the cause. Often using food supplements in the wrong way and wrong technique of exercising can also be the reason for this. In the last 2-3 years, deaths due to exercise in the gym or exercise in the gym have been linked to the corona vaccine. Is. But even before Corona, there have been deaths in the gym like this. Exercising in the gym does not lead to death, but it is worth noting that you should understand the limits of your body and exercise accordingly. Exercising too much may tire your body, but it won’t kill you. Even many people work out in the gym for years and there is no harm to their health. People who work out in the gym often use food supplements to get the extra protein and energy their body needs.
This technique can help them get better results, but they need to have the right knowledge about the usage of these supplements. Taking or skipping any food supplement without proper advice and expert consultation can lead to gym deaths. Nowadays almost every gym has become a shop selling food supplements. Where these supplements are being sold without any specific knowledge or expertise. and is being sold without any license or responsibility. Many so-called gym trainers can go on spreading the effects and effects of food supplements not only in the gym. And can also be seen promoting by making videos in social media. Many types of food supplements products have been made market before workout, during workout and even after workout in gym.
These contain protein powder, amino acids, and energy-enhancing elements, etc. Along with this, many types of medicines and steroids are also used a lot. Neither the user nor the one who advises the use, both do not know what will be its benefits and what will be the harm and what will be the effect on the body due to its use for a long time.
Many banned drugs and hormones are used in today’s gym and health industry’s Even the medicines or food supplements which are given to increase the muscles in chickens and cattle. The same ingredients are sold by mixing in these health drinks etc. Medicines like Zilpaterol, Lubabegron, and Rectopamine are probably used in these health products. Which are used in cattle during the last days of their life. So that more meat can be produced. These are also not given to cattle initially or for a long time. Different countries have different laws and restrictions regarding these medicines. No guidelines have been found on the internet regarding its use in India.
In July 2019, the Pune FDA busted one such gang and made several arrests. These gangs used to mix fake protein powder and fake drugs and sell them directly in the gyms of the surrounding areas to make them effective. In the month of February this year, the local police in Meerut, based on the information of the informer, seized a fake protein powder health supplement. Seized a manufacturing factory and arrested three people. Seized empty cans and labels of cans of branded protein powder in large quantities from the factory and seized fake protein supplements worth Rs 1-2 crore as per market value.
Meerut has become a fake health supplement market for the last several years, before that many such fake health supplement factories have been raided. Such fake health supplements are being sold in gyms by these so-called trainers due to high profit and low cost. Is. And this business is flourishing right under the nose of both the Food Safety Department and the Pharmaceutical Department and with the tacit consent of both the departments. Food supplements sold in the main market and in special gyms must have a stamp to be certified by fssai. But something else happens in the product. And their sample market gyms are not taken by fssai. If more are taken, then the matter is settled. For a healthy and shapely body, natural traditional food should be used. Lentil greens for extra protein
Vegetables and dry fruits can also be used. Many such studies and research reports have also warned about the use of health supplements and protein powders for health and bodybuilding. Long-term use of these can cause conditions like hair fall, early ageing, heart diseases, kidney failure, liver failure and impotence, and infertility. Therefore, exercise in the gym according to your physical ability. And don’t be in a hurry at all. Must take medical advice regarding health drinks. Exercise under the supervision of a good certified coach. And buy any health drink available in the gym and online only after thorough investigation, try to meet your protein needs only by eating organic food.