Food Dumbing Down -Food Stupidity.

Food dumbing down is being promoted in the name of fashion.
Food industry corporates are deliberately dissolving it in the society – Food Dumbing Down
Food industry corporates are deliberately dissolving it in the society – Food Dumbing Down
Food Dumbing Down – food stupidity is being deliberately promoted by the big houses of the food industry.
Partying with loud noises and eating and drinking anything has become the new normal today. Food bloggers used to praise the name of cheese and push us towards fake and adulterated cheese vendors and big pizza restaurants.

Sometimes, by doing digital marketing of some other fusion food, you are forced to praise that food whose taste you do not like or which is very harmful from the health point of view. Today we all are learning to live with those diseases, ignoring our basic needs and the nature of our body and body. This is called “Food Dumbing Down “effect according to Foodmen.
This is a strategy used globally. Whose main objective is to explain useless knowledge to the public in a simple and easy way. And the information or information in the work becomes more complex. So that not everyone can understand.
You can understand it from the difference between masala movie and art movie or you can also understand it from the programs shown on TV. You will see many science related TV channels making or understanding programs on black holes. You are being factified by making hours of documentary about a possibility that could never be possible.
What if there is a black hole near the Earth? What will happen when the sun reaches its end after millions of years? Programs like alien, magic, mystery, unsolved puzzles etc. are shown on TV only to attract your attention and in the same attraction to attract your attention, by showing you advertisements of products, your subconscious mind is controlled and you are filled with stupidity and that information. Which has no use in real life.
Whereas on many other issues the media is completely silent or programs are made in very difficult or incomprehensible languages. How many of you have read the packet of your favorite chips or cookies.
How clearly the words you understand are used to provide basic information like how free it is. Or it is shown how tasty it is. And the information hidden in the material is hidden from you by printing it with so many codes or scientific names.
This is called food dumbing down.
When you start understanding the quality of any food product not from the information written on it but through their advertisement. Fake flavors and chemicals used to increase the shelf life and beauty of the product are deliberately written in a language which is difficult for common people to understand.
In many cooking shows, someone is explaining the recipe of bottle gourd vegetable like cheese or the recipe of leftover bread or stale roti. In many cooking shows, such experimental cooking is taught. Which makes no sense but surprisingly you can see such experimental food in the name of special recipes from your kitchen to street vendors and hotels. In fact, people can also be seen eating.
Foodman has mentioned this in many of his previous articles. How about Ice Cream Gulab Jamun Pakodas. What not is being prepared and served in the name of fusion like noodles, ice cream, sweets and snacks.
The interesting thing is that people also know that eating all these things is harmful for them. But still do not live without eating.
Does anyone know that the thing placed in front of you is useless?
But aromatic and tasty. And yet if you eat the whole thing by saying little by little, then it becomes a symbol not of your stupidity but of your being a slave.
Food is an example of dumbing down. Now in TV shows, food chefs are reaching every home through competitions with different dishes in a very good way. Such a mentality has not been created. When you start wowing after eating anything. This is the hallmark of Food Dumbing Down